試圖把音樂的聽覺想像轉化成為視覺靈感,以線條、色塊及符號抽象地鋪陳於空間之中。將三度空間由上而下劃分為像是三段交織的樂譜: 上段為空間中的和弦,運用大面積的延伸線條表現包覆感 ; 中段呈現為空間的旋律,利用多樣的符號排列表現旋律的流動 ; 下段為節奏,不同大小的色塊分布為空間創造律動。將一首樂曲的編排大致拆解為和弦(chords)、旋律(melody)與節奏(rhythm)三個部分,彼此相互堆疊映襯著。在其中的生活,即像是這首曲的獨奏,有意無意地穿梭在其中,為空間樂曲添上更豐富的樣貌。
Taking inspiration from music, the space is filled with abstract lines, blocks of color, and symbols. The three-dimensional space is divided into three sections from top to bottom, which resemble intertwined music sheets. The upper section represents the chord in the space, which includes large areas of extended lines to achieve a sense of inclusion; the middle section represents the melody in the space, which includes arrangement of various symbols to portray melody flow; and the bottom section represents the rhythm in the space, which is created by the distribution of differently sized colored blocks. The arrangement of a piece of music involves chords, the melody, and rhythm, which intertwine and complement one another. Dwellers of this space can freely move around to enrich it, as if creating a solo musical performance.
City Taipei City
Year 2021
Size 39 Ping
Photographer Jackal Liu
2021 TID Taiwan Interior Design Award - Residential - Single Level